woensdag 12 december 2012



The first two novels of the Dark Elite series--Firespell andHexbound.
As the new girl at St. Sophia's boarding school, Lily Parker thinks her classmates are the most monstrous things she'll have to face. In Firespelland Hexbound, she'll find out just how wrong she is, as she falls in with a group of rebel teens defending Chicago from vampires, demons, and the corrupted magic users known as reapers.
An easy but very entertaining and amuzing read. I really love Lily, she's fun , and of course Scout, she is a great character, she's tough but also has a heart of gold. Micheal and Jason (and Jason keeps a secret, which we can already guess, but in the book it's a nice element to have) are the perfect good guys and Sebastian the perfect bad guy, who, in my oppinion , isn't really a total bad guy and is to harshly judged by everyone except Lily. I really really liked the gilmore girls reference in firespell (I am a gilmore girls addict ;) ). Scout and Lily can certainly be compared to Rory and Lorelai, they have wit (I hope that's the correct word :$) are fun to read about, and some of their conversations really are a lot like those of the gilmore girls.
I have to say that the book cover is beautiful and (for me, for now) is one that I haven't seen before. You can have covers that look alot alike ( here's a good youtube clip to show my point http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxSwr130ptw )
I gave this book 4,5 roses, I liked it and it was an easy read. But because it was an easy read it was also quite predictable and tame. 

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