Don't get me wrong, I like Twilight (the books and the movies, except Breaking Dawn part 1). I've never been a Twi-hard and I'll never be one, but I liked the overall idea and the way it created this publicity for paranormal books (I've always loved the paranormal theme so it wasn't new to me, but because now it has so much attention and there are a lot more people who share my interest in this genre).
However, I really hate the PHENOMENON that surrounds (surrounded??) this series. People started taking sides, the people who love the books and movies and the ones who hate it. This caused a lot of prejudice when it comes to the genre. Books are compared to Twilight or they say twilight fans will "love" it, for example, the soul screamers series by Rachel Vincent ;
Or the way people expected the Beautiful Creatures movie to be the next twilight.
WHY do people do THAT, with these kind of praises you can attrackt the twilight crowd but you will also repel the people who are prejudiced because of twilight.
Another example is the Host (book and movie).
People see the trailer and think "wow, this seems interesting", then they drop the bomb "from Stephanie Meyer, the author of the TWILIGHT SAGA", and that's when they go "OH NO, not Twilight again"
So my point being is that Twilight had it's time, it had it's golden years but that's over now. It won't be like Harry Potter where everyone will still love it years after the movies are out.\
Get over twilight and give other authors and movies a chance, and the Host, it's nothing like twilight.